Fuji Mulberry Root Extract
Fuji Mulberry Root Extract appeared several congresses of dermatology.
This is safety hair growth material.
Fuji Mulberry Root Extract is a natural ingredient extracted from a mulberry’s root bark through our own patented technology. Mulberry’s Root Bark has traditionally been known and used as an herb medicine or whitening agent since the ancient times. Also, this Extract is added to quasi-drug hair growth agent as a moisturizing ingredient.
Our hair normally has its own growth cycle:1.Growing Period (2~7 years) in which each hair matrix repeats its cell division over and over until our hair grows long enough, 2. Recess Period (3 weeks) in which our hair stops growing, and 3. Halting Period (3 months) in which our hair naturally comes off. If you suffer from alopecia, your hair growth cycle fails to repeat itself properly due to a certain reasons.
As a result, you have a shorter Growing Period and longer Halting Period, resulting in more hair loss. In order to improve this symptom, you are required to get your own hair growth cycle back to normal. We have paid a special attention to the hair cycle which we naturally have, and then applied this Extract to the alopecia symptom as a moisturizing ingredient. Now, we supply this Extract to drug makers and cosmetic makers. We also make this Extract under O.E.M. contract and offer to our customers.
- Best blending products of Fuji Mulberry Root Extract
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